OULUN TAIDEMUSEO |kuu-tee: Listening session #2: Non-hierarchical listening curriculums, Thu 16th of May at 4.30pm-6pm


Non-hierarchical listening curriculums

kuu-tee: Listening session #2: Non-hierarchical listening curriculums 

Thu 16th of May at 4.30pm-6pm + 30min after topical tea, Oulu Art Museum’s Satula-space, ground floor.

Hosted by AGF (Antye Greie-Ripatti), visiting artist Jessica Ekomane (Berlin).

Welcome to the collective listening session to Oulu Art Museum, hosted by artist AGF (Antye Greie-Ripatti). In 2024, we will meet four times, according to the seasons. 

The meetings will include listening exercises, presentations and workshops. 

Community listening sessions for all ages are in English and can be attended with a museum ticket (€10/7, under 18s free). The Museum Card, Kaikukortti and cultural vouchers (Epassi, SmartumPay and Edenred's Virike card) can also be used as payment. Payment can be made at the information desk of the art museum. Informal interpretation is available in Finnish. Each meeting lasts 1.5 hours, after which you can enjoy a themed tea together.

To secure your place, please register. Fill the form below and add it to the shopping card. Then go to the checkout and place your order. Registration is successful when you receive a booking confirmation message in your email.

Arrival and accessibility

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