14.8. at 6 pm Oulu oddities


Oulu Oddities

We northerners are famous of being bold, controversial and a bit crazy. We have built our university on the marshland and the theatre above the sea. Higher and higher buildings are rising as opposites for the old wooden ones. We love our lakes, rivers and the sea in the summer, but we dare to dip into water even in the winter. There is even a business event called Polar Bear Pitching and that’s crazy! The Oulu music scene includes a men’s choir Huutajat, the Screamers, and the famous Air Guitar Contest. Join the tour to hear about extraordinary things in Oulu. You’ll be amazed!

Begin place’s Toripoliisi statue.

30 varastossa

Tuotetunnus (SKU): 10978045 Osasto: